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Sunday, August 5, 2012
BREAKING NEWS: Richard E. Grant is set to star along side Matt smith this Christmas
The BBC has just revealed the name of 'iconic' star who will be featured in the 2012 Doctor Who Christmas special:
We’re delighted to confirm the brilliant Richard E Grant is appearing in the new series of #DoctorWho. More news later http://t.co/ywpJBxBs
Some may not know that Richard E Grant has actually played the Doctor on two different occasions firstly in the BBC Children in need special - Curse of the Fatal Death, and again as the 9th Doctor which he voiced in the animated episode Scream of the Shalka (prior to the 2005 reboot)...
On joining the show, Richard says: "I played Doctor Who in the digital animated Scream Of The Shalka and I'm honoured to be in the Christmas Special."
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