Bernard Cribbins OBE, first made his Doctor Who debut in 1966 along side Peter Cushing in Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 AD as Tom Campbell,
Bernard Cribbins in Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 AD 1966 |
More than 40 years later Bernard Cribbins returned to Doctor Who playing recurring character Wilfred Mott in Voyage of the Damned, and the 2008 episodes Partners in Crime, The Sontaran Stratagem, The Poison Sky, Turn Left, The Stolen Earth and Journey's End. He then returned to the role in 2009 for the final David Tennant specials, the two-part The End of Time. In these final episodes, Wilfred was identified as the Doctor's companion. At 80 years of age, Cribbins became the oldest actor to ever play a companion.
Bernard Cribbins in Voyage of the Damned 2008 |
Did you know, Bernard Cribbins was actually considered for the role of the fourth Doctor...
I had no idea Mr Cribbins was in a classic episode. I found the two specials where he was the companion to be amazing and heartbreaking. I've only watched the modern episodes. I'd like to watch some of the old classics, but I cancelled my Netflix for the time being.