Why on Earth would you purposefully damage a Cyberman helmet? I guess you wouldn't or shouldn't that is unless your attempting to replicate the damaged Cyberman helmet from the episode The Pandorica Opens, the Cyberman was a guard that had suffered some severe damage...
Page from Doctor Who annual 2010 |
So armed with an image from a copy of the Doctor Who annual, I set about making my own version first thing however I had to reverse it, the bars on the side of the head on voice changing helmet had some of the electronics so I used a little creative license, other than that I simply set about beating up my mask. So here's the final product:
Damaged Cyberman Helmet modified by Paul Bradford |
Damaged Cyberman Helmet modified by Paul Bradford |
The spider was just added for good measure... This now hangs on my wall along side my other voice changing helmet, and my cyber leader mask. Something else I like is that I managed to beat it up but still maintain its workability.
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